#397731 - 10/13/0411:21 PM
Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
OK, I just have to break my self imposed exile this one brief time. I PROMISE you will not hear ANYTHING from me for at LEAST 48 hours. (Enjoy! :p )
First, the PM JFM is referring to is the exact same item I posted previously, we've all already seen it and discussed it. I wanted to make sure he saw it, and apparently its a good thing I did cuz apparently he didn't see it on the thread for whatever reason. :rolleyes:
Second, the man has questioned MY education, bragged about his own including his minor is Psychology, (a word which he can't even spell, see below) and for all of his education he cannot even use the correct tense in a sentence:
"...a man in deep need of help.(Moral, Spiritual, Educational, Psycological, etc etc etc.)"
(Yes, he is!)
"Keep it on this thread, or I will block any PM's you sent in the future"