Gerg, great link and very true. Go Pat Go! I love that guy, he's 85 percent right on everything and 15% crazy. He use to use Hulk Hogan's "I am a real american" WWF theme song at his rallys. Hilarious.
The last bill that just got past,was pork at it's finest, Republicans have proven that can't manage a budget. Oh where have gone my Steve Largent, Joe Scarborough and the rest of the gang gone?. They were true conservatives who could balance a budget. Both these canidates running for pres aint worth a bucket of warm spit, but I'm voting for Kerry.
Be honest, who's watching the debate tonight, everyone here knows who their voting for, and with the Yankees vs the Red SOx on, plus Uconn football (college football on a weds night??)it's gonna be tough for 2 gasbags to get my attention.