#397700 - 10/13/0403:29 PM
Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
The answer to your direct and simple question is NO! I am not either! On that I certainly agree. But again, we have to guard against throwing out the baby with the bath water. It is not so simple to determine who is and is not willing to work. People should be given a fair and reasonable opportunity to prove wether or not they are or are not willing to work before we condemn them and withhold assistance and support or invest in them and their future.
As for my spinning what your said, why should you be different. Look what others have done to what I have contributed!
As for race, the simple reality here is that there are far more minorities as a percentage in that lower 70% than there are in the top 30%, and wether or not you recognize it, or even share that sentiment, alot of the socio economic bias in this country is deeply rooted in racism.
Be careful who you choose to associate and align yourself with, and find out the history and basis of their motivations and ideologies before you do so.