#397692 - 10/13/0403:11 PM
Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Since you have done such a wonderful job of psychoanalyzing my political ideologies, I thought I would return the favor.
(And "FWIW...", your minor in Psych is worth nothing, just like everything else you've had the audacity to post in this thread.)
You obviously hate those in need, those less fortunate than you, but why? What have they ever done to you?
Many times we hate in others something that we see in ourselves, something that we fear or dislike in ourselves. In light of the fact that your parents are immigrants from a communist nation, what you fear is the fact that deep in your heart, you know you are no better than those you disdain. Somewhere in your upbringing, in your parents well-meaning attempt to instill values and a strong work ethic in you, they poisoned you against "lazy peasants".
You fear that deep down inside, you are nothing but a "lazy peasant" and your parents don't really love you or approve of you, so you overcompensate by seeking and demanding never ending amounts of money and material wealth, in order to protect you and prevent yourself from becoming what your parents inadvertantly taught you to loathe. That fear and loathing of those "lazy peasants" drives you to overachieve, and to further loathe anyone who you view as beneath your "station". Should you "fail", and become a "lazy peasant" you would lose your parents love and approval, so you grossly overcompensate.
That, combined with a deep seated, subconcious hatred for your parents, because they were not natural born American citizens, and you never quite fit in or belonged as a child. Deep in your heart you were ashamed of them as a child. Of course, these feelings of yours are totally irrational, and unfounded, because no one can help where they are born, and your parents were, no doubt, fine, hard working people. Perhaps you were traumatized over this at a young age? Were you teased about your parents? When you lived in NYC, did your school mates bully you, and harass you about your immigrant parents?
Add to this a very strong Oedipal complex, and you have the makings of a very poorly adjusted, angry, conflicted adult, consumed with fear and self loathing, and overcome with insecurity and feelings of inadequacy, afraid to fail and become one of those "lazy peasants" that your parents unintentionally taught you to despise.
All of this combines to make you a greedy, cynical, selfish person, who despises that which he fears he may become, and who therefore overcompensates for those insecurities and inadequacies. No amount of money or material wealth can ever make you feel good enough, adequate enough, or happy or satisfied with your life.
While I may find some relief in prescription medications, alas, there is no hope for you. There is no medication, no therapy, no treatment, which can save you from your fate. You might try heavy doses of community service, wherein you interact frequently and directly with those "lazy peasants". Repeated exposure to them may reveal that they too are human, and deserving of your respect and compassion, and that you need not fear them, or becoming one of them. There are certainly worse things that could happen to you. That, coupled with overly generous donations to charitible organizations that help the underprivileged in inner cities, may alleviate this to a degree.
But I believe that your case is so severe, so acute, so deeply rooted, that by far the best solution would be an emergency full frontal lobotomy. Otherwise, you are doomed to live out your days as a lonely, unhappy, distrustful, greedy, selfish, cynical, loathsome human being. And I would also recommend immediate sterilization, for fear that you may spread this affliction to any offspring you might reproduce. Hopefully, we are not too late. If so, perhaps my colleagues at DCF can recommend some placements and therapy to help your children overcome their disadvantaged upbringing.
Having had my say as to the root cause of your anger and hatred directed at those less fortunate than you, rest assured, you have heard the last from me. I will no longer lower myself to reply to any more of your baiting, or your narrow minded, ignorant, short sighted right wing rhetoric. You cannot compete with me on facts or logic, cannot even voice an intelligent, original opinion, and cannot agree to disagree respectfully, so you saw fit to make this personal. Very well. You reap what you sew.