First off, I did not lump all those 70% of people as lazy freeloaders. I asked what % of those 70% are lazy freeloaders. Do you think its 0%? I bet some of them are but I guess that makes me a Nazi. Yet again you put your disgusting spin on what other people say.

Bash me all you want dude, I meant what I said. Some translation does get lost on internet boards so I may have came off nastier then I meant to. I always applaud military service as I would be there right now if they wouldve taknen me! (degeneritive back disease).

You guys still Cant or wont answer my simple question though. Do you think its right that we have to pay to support people who are unable but willing to work? A simple yes or no will do.

And as far as you calling me racist? I never mentioned anything about race in this whole argument. I dont care if your black white purple or green. If you are able to work but not willing to work I consider you a lazy freeloader.

17 foot sundance skiff with 50hp jhonson.