Originally posted by nu2salt:
[QB] "Once again illustrating exactly how out of touch you all are with the 70% of the people in this country who don't live as well as you and I do.
How many of these "70"% are lazy people who live off the state, and if they really made an effort COULD live like you and I? Why do I want to help them? Children, the old, the sick absolutely. But able body americans who choose not to work because they get state funds? Do you think if you had a turn of bad luck any of that 70% woud help you out? And dont give me the BS that there is no jobs. Look in the paper. why should I give a damn about those people? I bust my hump for 70 hours a week while they drive excursions and live in fixed housing where i sport their bills. If someone gets laid off or has a bad year ok, im more than happy to help, but when you have people living completely off the sate for their whole lives what does that say?

17 foot sundance skiff with 50hp jhonson.