#397681 - 10/13/0411:24 AM
Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Registered: 03/14/03
Posts: 994
Originally posted by nu2salt: [QB] "Once again illustrating exactly how out of touch you all are with the 70% of the people in this country who don't live as well as you and I do.
How many of these "70"% are lazy people who live off the state, and if they really made an effort COULD live like you and I? Why do I want to help them? Children, the old, the sick absolutely. But able body americans who choose not to work because they get state funds? Do you think if you had a turn of bad luck any of that 70% woud help you out? And dont give me the BS that there is no jobs. Look in the paper. why should I give a damn about those people? I bust my hump for 70 hours a week while they drive excursions and live in fixed housing where i sport their bills. If someone gets laid off or has a bad year ok, im more than happy to help, but when you have people living completely off the sate for their whole lives what does that say?