Pete: Thanks for supplying some sources in response to my query regarding specifics. Here is my problem with some of them:
-The really long article that deconstructs the FOX infrastructure mentions various news personalities and their past political lives, which I agree with. Some of them, such as Tony Snow and Brit Hume are admitted conservatives. I don't debate that, however, what is debateable is the fact that some of these pesonalities are being labelled conservative for only one or 2 issues (or reasons) as is the case with Mort Kondracke or Juan Williams. Those guys are liberals but just don't adhere to everything the party goes by. Alan Colmes is hardly a moderate democrat, in fact he is left of Bill Clinton and admitted that there is alot of issues he disagreed with Clinton on, feeling he was conservative (sorry footnore here, because I have heard him say it alot in the past) such as the bombings in Kosovo, Bosnia, Iraq and the attacks on Afghnistan and Sudan in 1998.
-The video on O'Reilly (courtesy of takes his 'shut-up' quote way out of context. Last month he admitted to using the word shut-up out of disgust only six times. In one segment he is telling Al Franken (Stewart Smalley) to shut-up because he didn't interupt Smalley during his address, yet within a minute O'Reilly was interupted (I watched it live on C-SPAN when it happened).
Democracy does mean you have the right to speak, but not the right to be heard. The Left feels that if they are the minority they must compensate by making more noise. Especailly when some of these people are the voicebox of al-Qaeda in spreading dissent at a time of war.