#397659 - 10/12/0410:21 PM
Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Your degree is in Business administration, not psychology, your half a$$ed psychoanalysis of me could not BE further off base! Stick to what you know!
And yes, you CLEARLY wasted your time and money! No matter HOW many degrees and letters you have after your name! Your edcuation is WASTED ON YOU!! YOU CONTRIBUTE NOTHING TO OUR SOCIETY! YOU ARE A WASTE OF SPACE!!
I am only hostile towards the CURRENT "establishment" which is made up and led by Little Enus & "COMPANY". Govt by the wealthy for the wealthy at its finest! I was NOT hostile towards the govt under Mr. Clinton!
If I had a freakin PHD and was making a million dollars a year sitting on an island managing a stock portfolio, I would feel exactly the same as I do now! What's right is right! (no pun intended!) My ideals would not change one bit! My parents raised me better than that! They are hard working democrats with a middle class work ethic too!
I could go back to school and finish my degree, but I have found something I LIKE to do, I LIKE working with my kids, DESPITE the risks and the down side. I am not ANGRY about it! I'm ANGRY about idiots like you who devalue and disparage what I do, and begrudge me my earnings and benies. I find my work REWARDING and GRATIFYING, and find rewards and gratification do NOT equate to just a PAY CHECK! And BTW I make pretty good money, and my income is only limited by how much OT I am willing to work. I have NEVER complained about MY LOT IN LIFE, OR MY INCOME! Again, as I said before, reading comprehension is NOT your strong suit, again proving that your education is wasted on you!
You and others have promoted hard work and sacrifice and when I tell you how I have worked hard and sacrificed and rose above my beginnings and succeeded, bought a house, raised 3 great kids, 2 of which are college educated, the third on his way, and how I live comfortably, you BELITTLE ME!! HOW DARE YOU!! HYPOCRITES, LIKE I SAID BEFORE!! I've done what you said, and it's STILL not enough!
The interesting thing is all you on the right only seem to worry about what you think is good for YOU PERSONALLY, and your wallets. Whereas I and others here see beyond our own noses, and think about the GREATER GOOD FOR EVERYONE!