Sorry I couldn't oblige ya nu2, I had to get back to work.
You missed my point. Here's a scary thing- I agree with a lot of the stuff you say. There are better ways to do things. Taxes included.
My point is it's everyone's choice what they do. I chose to start saving right out of college and investing in a 401k and IRA. I go without the finer things, and spend wisely. It isn't my fault, GW's fault, democrats fault, or republican's fault you don't have money to invest. You made the choices you made. If Kerry were elected tomorrow, you wouldn't all of a sudden have money to invest. Do I feel sorry you're hurt? Of course. I wish no harm on anyone. But I don't feel sorry about decisions you've made. You're obviously a well educated person (depsite what others may say). Now cut your expenses, get a new job if need be, and start saving! Just don't blame others...