#397639 - 10/12/0405:29 PM
Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
jon h., you ignorant slut!
I may not be up on mutual funds, since I have not had the disposable income to seek them out as an investment vehicle, someday soon perhaps,
but don't you EVEN try to start making comments about my postion at CJTS! I could tell you VOLUMES about that place, and those advocacy groups you mention are the very liberals that you despise.
The problem with that facility is not the line staff. It is the bureaucracy and mismanagement from Hartford and all the do-gooder social workers and child psychologists who think that holding these kids accountable and giving them appropriate consequences is bad for them. They think we are too hard on them, and have undermined us to the point that we no longer have any control over the kids or the facility, and the kids know it and take full advantage of it.
Trust me, if you knew what I know about that place and how it is run, we would absolutely be on the same side. Those are the TRUE bleeding heart liberals that I know you have no use for. Their idea of rehabilitating those kids is what we in the facility have come to refer as "Hugs for Thugs". Whereas those of us on the line know that what they need is clear limits, strict discipline, and strong consequences for bad choices and misbehavior.
A kid can assault one of us or another kid, and we cannot keep him confined to his room beyond the period of time required to regain verbal or behavioral control. It used to be that if a kid assaulted someone he would be confined to his room for the most part for the next 3 days, except for limited periods during which, if he was compliant, he could sit in a chair by his door, or better yet, do chores around the unit. Now, we can't even make them clean!
But the social workers and psychologists came along and decided that was "punitive" and you can't use confinement to their rooms as "punishment". Only to interrupt imminently dangerous behavior. That is due in part to a law passed in '99 after one of the girls at the old Long Lane killed herself, even though she was the first successful suicide in the facility since the late 1800's.
Now, a kid who assaults someone will have only minor limits and restrictions place upon him and will be back in full population and in school the very next day. Very effective programming, wouldn't you say?
Believe me, these are the same people you were complaining about who are teaching these kids that it's never their fault, that they don't have to do anything to get everything, and how to manipulate the system.