joh h.,

I've got a WHOLE LOT of replies coming for you, but briefly, please tell me where I can get a 10% return on my money and I will scrape every penny I can together and put it there. Hell, I've got some 3.9% credit cards, if I can get 10% I'll max them out and still make 6.1%!!

I can't WAIT to start making 10%!!!
First step is to get a job. Heck, even a part time job. Second is stop partying so you can function at 6 am. Third is get off the damn computer, you're racking up one heck of an electric bill. Fourth is invest: IRA's, 401k, stocks, bonds, etc. It's not exactly a secret science or anything.

I don't work exceptionally hard. I put in my 40 hours and go home. But I've invested in my years I've been working full time. Our house will be paid by the time I'm 38. By 50 I will be retired in Montana.

I disagree with much of what the conservatives have said on this post and lean towards Kerry at this point. But I respect those that get up in the morning, work hard, and save. Don't blame laziness on them or the president.
