My dear Baitrunner/Fievel,

You said:

"I, nor anyone else here, has any obligation, to respond to every issue within this thread;"

Especially when you stick your foot in your mouth, get cornered by facts and logic, and can't think of an intelligent reply!!!!

For all your flowery language and BS you said absolutely NOTHING of relevance, value, or substance, and STILL have failed to reconcile your condemnation of Kerry and Edwards with your defense and protection of the wealthy and the existing tax structure.

"...the "rich" do not pay their "fair share".(... by the looks of what returns have been uncovered, seems to be true...)

If nothing else I would think that you would use Kerry and Edwards as examples of WHY the tax codes need to be changed and thereby INCREASE taxes collected from the wealthy, which is what I have been saying throughout.

Kerry and Edwards KNOW they don't pay enough taxes and are willing to pay more. They know full well that they will have to do so if they are able to implement the changes they are advocating.

Nice try, just the same! ;\) \:D