#397571 - 10/11/0410:58 PM
Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
BP: I wish that were really true, but it's not. Once again, privilege is invisible to those by whom it is enjoyed. This is not my opinion, I did not make it up, it is a well researched, well documented, and well proven sociological fact!
Val, FFA, Spun, and Naugy Joe: I LOVE YOU, MAN!!!
Richard4878: NO!!! If I had described communism, "Comrade Dan" would have had the same meal he had in the first place, and the other 99 of us would ALL get the bologna sandwich and sour milk, and would have had to wait in line to get it, (AND WE'D LIKE IT!) and those at the end of the line would have gotten NOTHING AT ALL!!
(And besides, I told you it was an oversimplified analogy, and like IceBuster said, I am NOT to be taken seriously! )
IceBuster: I am interested in your post regarding Mr. Bush's tax reform plans. Could you please identify your source? I also have a concern regarding this, in that he has not made any such inroads in this direction in the last four years; rather he has merely slashed taxes wholesale, with the bulk of his cuts by far benefitting the top 1 % the most. Therefore, please forgive me if I am skeptical based upon his record. I am sure you will indulge me, since all of you on the right are constantly pointing our Kerry's record when defending your reluctance to take him at his word. Also, how much will all that added "research and study" cost us, and how long will it take before any meaningful relief and results are actually realized? (I saw the 2005 date, but again I am skeptical, as are you, apparently, from what you said at the end of your post.)
Mr. Kerry has repeatedly and unequivically stated that he will immediately roll back the tax rate on the top 1% to what it was four years ago, while maintaining the current rate for the rest of us, and he has PROMISED! :rolleyes: not to increase our taxes! That seems to offer the most immediate and promising results, at least for now, by comparison.
Wynd Knottt: Thank you for weighing in! It's about freakin' time! Even though you are reluctant to jump on our Kerry bandwagon, at least I know that you are open minded and intelligent, and bring some valuable insight to the table, and I know that you can be reasoned with! Welcome to the discussion, I hope you can continue to participate as much as possible!
IceBuster: I realize the merit and value of what you submitted in your last post, but we really have to put everything in context. Huge deficits, the cost of the legitimate war on terrorism, the cost of the war in Iraq, the gross disparity between very rich and very poor, the tax advantages given to the top 1% and to corporate America, the excessive profits being earned by companies like Haliburton et al, the totality of the big picture; unfortunately, wether any of us like it or not, we're gonna have to pay for all of this sooner or later.
I asked this before, and never got an answer, so I'll ask it again:
Exactly WHEN should we start to pay for all of this?