
I just re read your reply to CWP, and in your defense there was no "diatribe of death".

There was just a certain tone in your post, even though I definitely agree with what you're saying, that made me kinda sympathetic to him. Like GM said, he only posted once, briefly, and did not try to engage or attack anyone, or debate anything else they said.

I guess that's the liberal in me, always trying to protect others and defend their rights. It must be nice to be on the other side, where all they worry about is themselves and their wallets, eh? ;\) \:D

Again, I agree with you about single issue voters, and also that his rationale doesn't make any sense to me either! But it doesn't have to, does it? Obviously neither you or I or Spin or Spun, et al, are making any sense to our counterparts on the right, are we? Still, we can't resist trying to enlighten them a little. Hope springs eternal!

It just occurred to me, why Mitch and some others were getting on me about being long winded and wordy. Republicans can't follow a lengthy, complex, involved discussion. \:\( Which is why His Most High Honorable Mr. President George W. Bush appeals to them all so much. He uses small words and short sentences, so he's easier to understand!

Like: Terrorists- BAD! Israel- GOOD! Taxes- BAD! Wall St- GOOD! Profit- GOOD! Iraq- BAD! U.S. Troops- GOOD! Patriot Act- GOOD! Contsitutional Rights- BAD! NRA- GOOD! ACLU- BAD! Its hard work! We're workin' hard!

Anything too much longer or more complicated than that, and their eyes start to glaze over and they start looking at their watches like His Most High Honorable Mr. President George H. W. Bush did when he debated Clinton and Perot back in 1992. They just don't have the time and attention span for more complexities, because they gotta get back to chasin' that almighty dollar. Time is Money ya know! :p ;\) \:D