I hate to say it, but it has been speculated that the Clinton-Gore Administration was somewhat jealous because 9/11 didn't happen under their watch. If Kerry is elected: A massive protest from the far-left but more as a rude good bye present to the President....talk about sore losers. [/b]
Henry as usual you fail to identify you sources. "it has been speculated", by whom Henry? Is this why you usually get into arguments with "leftist" professors? They don't let you "make up" sources?
Originally posted by Henry L.:
Bush is re-elected: Democrats will aid al-Qaeda by trying to impeach the President. Like Alexander at Guagamela and Issus: defeat the enemy by striking the Head of the miliary. The Democrats in this case are the point of the spear. . [/b]
Hey Henry, Is that what the Republicans did to Bill clinton during his second term, impeach him to help al Qaeda? "Like Alexander and Issus", no, more like Bob Barr and Henry Hyde. Henry, you just indicted your very own republicans, make me laugh.