Short of time again, but briefly-

Icebuster- HUH??? WTF???? Your other post was MUCH better, like I said you made some good points and some good arguments even though I disagreed. Now, you're clearly grasping at straws! And as far as Octoberfest and internet jokes, geez, find your sense of humor! If that's all it takes for you to determine that I can't be taken seriously, and that my sense of humor undermines my credibility and that of any postitions I might take, then you got some serious issues! Lighten up! :rolleyes:

Val- WELCOME BACK!! \:\) I've missed you terribly! I'm glad you have re-joined our discussion. I support the spirit and intent of your reply to CWP, I have several single issue voters in my family. But GM Parts Guy has a point, go easy on CWP! I can understand your using him as an example, but I agree with GM that he is entitled to his opinion, his vote, and his rationale, no matter how strongly I may disagree. Again, you make a very good point, no question. ;\)

GM- Thanks for the advice! I usually use the quick reply. I'll try the full form. THANKS! \:\)


Henry, Henry, Henry.... I still owe you a reply to your previous posts, and you will get it, soon! But this last one... your swastika is showing again! ;\)

And IceBuster? NOW who's playing soothsayer? :rolleyes: