Every Nation deserves the leaders they get. Don't tell me that we cannot do better then DUBYA and CHENEY.
Yse, we can. Someday, we shall! (C'mon, Ron Paul; run already!) But Kerry/Edwards most certainly are'nt it! They're more akin to jumping out of the frying pan, into the fire!

Val, loved your little segue about the Bush administration being responsible for the increase in Black Lung Disease, (although, BLD, while dangerous, is not as dangerous as Silicois, another mining disease). Thought you might find this little tidbit amusing.

Coal industry observers say that a renewed get-tough approach to criminal prosecutions would scare operators into taking accurate dust tests.

When the Bush Administration launched a crackdown on cheating in 1991 that included both criminal and civil actions obvious dust-test fraud dropped. But the Clinton Administration has given up busting cheaters almost entirely, and obvious fraud, as shown by the percentage of nearly dust-free samples, is again on the rise.

Coal mining diseases are way too serious to lay at the foot of just one administration. Blaming it on the 4 years of "Dubya", is rather specious.

Val, you decry the "one-issue" voters, yet offer us a litany of reasons why Bush supporters will vote for Bush? Seems like more than one issue, to me! Oh, by the by, I simply ADORED the way you linked Bush supporters to "Racism and Bigotry". How stereotypically droll!

"I think, that all right-thinking people, are sick and tired of being told that they are sick and tired of being sick and tired. I, for one, am not. And I'm sick and tired of being told that I am!"