#397519 - 10/10/0402:41 PM
Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
HI GUYS!! Heard ya missed me......
Henry, I'll get back to you, I promise; there's a few replies I gotta post first though!
Striperman, Flag Up, and Gerg- Great job, guys! WTG!! It's nice to see that there ARE a few of us here who really get it!
Naugy Joe!!! WOO HOO!!! You da MAN!! I loved your RNC post! I was at my friends house doing an Octoberfest cookout with a bunch of us, and I logged on his computer to peek at the thread and show some of my friends (all but about 2 there are Dems, or at least oppose Bush) and when I saw that I showed it to everyone and we all laughed our collective butt off!! Well done!
Bill Uconn- At least I know that he's gonna START with those making over $200K. We'll see where he goes from there.
If I gotta pay a few more bucks a year to make this country work for EVERYONE!;
to make us SOLVENT;
to invest in healthcare and education, for EVERYONE;
to make homeland security and our foreign policy EFFECTIVE! and thereby make us all SAFER!;
to further our COLLECTIVE best interests;
We're gonna have to pay for the last 4 years:
the legitimate impact of 9/11;
the legitimate war on terror (Afghanistan, Al-Queda, The Taliban, homeland security);
not to mention, "Pee Wee's Big Iraqi Misadventure"!
We might as well start now, and start with those who got the biggest break and profited the most from the Bush years! Or do you just wanna wait until we're all retired and let our kids suffer and pay for all of this, cuz it ain't just gonna go away!
9/11, terrorists, homeland security, whatever!... Bush was the president, HE is ultimately responsible for the total mess("The Bush Follies"?); it's not any one individual issue or problem, it's the WHOLE THING, and how it's ALL been dealt with!! The TOTAL PACKAGE, THE BIG PICTURE!
You said, "We are going to have to fight terrorism for the rest of our lives in one way or another."
We may indeed, perhaps. Unfortunately! And we are going to have to PAY for it, too!! When exactly do YOU think we should start to do that?
And WHO, exactly, do you think should pay the MOST?!? How about, oh, the airlines' major stock holders and CEO's? How about, oh, Haliburton's? How about, oh, DICK CHENEY, and the BUSHES, and their pals in big oil, and big defense, and Wall St.?
How about, THE TOP 1% who got $89 billion (or was it million, seriously, I always mix that up, my bad!) in tax cuts; more than the other 99% of us COMBINED!!
Capt. Peachfuzz- Thank you for voicing your input and explaining the rationale you used to come to your decision. Even though I disagree with you, I applaud you for taking a stand and casting your vote on election day! My highest regards to you, and I wish you well!
And asking small business owners to pay taxes does not equate to letting the government tell them how to run their business. What is your point?
Buck- PLEASE DON'T LISTEN TO THE DEVISIVE, UNCALLED FOR REMARK MADE BY RMW!! I meant every word I said to you from the bottom of my heart! It's not that I don't or can't understand what you are saying, and it is CERTAINLY not that I am blowing smoke up your a$$!
Is that not my right? Is that not what this country is about? Isn't that what your served your country and fought for? One's right to have and express a point of view, and to dissent, even from a majority? Am I obliged to agree with everyone I express respect and admiration for? I think not! Please take what I said to you at face value. I truly meant every word!
IceBuster, I haven't forgotten you, I'll get back to you too.
Regards everyone,
P.S. I aplogize for my use of caps. I am NOT yelling, I just don't know how to get bold or italicized fonts in order to add emphasis on certain words. I can type my butt off, but I'm not terribly good with computers overall.