One thing everyone forgets about is 9/11 and the cost of what happened on that day. We bailed out the airlines with billions of dollars so they would survive. We started a new government program with Homeland Security which also cost billions. Plus the War itself on terror. All of this cost billions, maybe trillions of dollars.
We gave a tax break to get the economy starting again. Why do that during a war you ask. Well it is to get people starting to spend money at restraunts, clothing stores, and many other places that where hurt by 9/11. There is a big picture that people are forgetting. 9/11 changed everything and I think people we can go back to what it was before. It is never going to happen people. We are going to have to fight terrorism for the rest of our lives in one way or another.
So complain about losing the surplus, but remember how that happened.