This is my political rant: The way I see it, we're all hosed! A government for the people, by the people? Sure, but we're all forgetting whom the "by" the people and "for" the people really are. It's sure as hell is not John and Jane Q Public. All these politicians are rat bastards, both parties. Lets face it, american politics is fueled by PACS, good ol' boys, big business and by the rich. So where do you think that leaves the regular hard working wage earning american family? Taxed and paying the price that's where. Do you think W or Kerry are woried about their medical bills or their social security, or the price to fill up their vehicle, the price of a gallon of milk, tax cuts, soaring utility costs, the cost of buying your own home, or their income tax refund or payment or jobs? Both parties have lost touch with reality. They may spout and spew some slick verbiage of how ther're gonna "fix" the system, they are both con men. Of course they are going to tell you what you want to hear, and slam the other guy. But in the end, it's all a game for them, they have their millions and really could care less about the hard working middle class that makes America work. So, on election day, make your choice, and VOTE. Then have a jar of vaseline nearby because we're all gonna have to grab our ankles and bend over no matter who wins......... "from my cold dead hands"...markerdown and I approve this reply

"My hair's turning white, my neck's always been red, my collar's still blue"