nu2salt, What about small businesses which provide many of the new jobs that are being made are they Big Business as you say. Most of the small business owners "myself included" needed the tax break when we got it. I have two good friends that lost their business due to 9/11 and the lack of people buying their goods. It was not only just big business as you put it, but small businesses trying to keep their heads above water. We all needed the tax break and the marriage penalty finally taken away. I truly believe without the tax break America would have ended up in a depression like in 29'. Onto unions yes they are good to their employees but are they good for everyone else. I believe if you do a hard days work you deserve a good days pay. But I see how some union members are at work sites with one serving coffee and getting union pay or four guys or gals to a site with one or more doing nothing. I think unions have shot themselves in the foot with the way they are perceived by common folks. "By the way my Dad helped form the Independent union at the state back in the early to mid 60's". One more thing. When times are tough in this Country I watched a number of unions fail to give back even when things were at there worse. I also watched a friend of mine in the teacher's union lose there job because the teachers would not take a smaller pay hike so they layed off five teachers instead. Now thats looking out for our children.