Originally posted by nu2salt:

There is a finite amount of money in any given economy. Every dollar out there belongs to SOMEONE! It is being diverted to the very few and the very connected.
I think you are confisuing the word DIVERTED with the word EARNED. This is America, and you have every opportunity available to you. If you want public assistance to help better yourself, then take up the government's offer to serve in the military for a few years and then go to college on their dime (their dime being the RICH's dime). If you don't like it, move somewhere else. Maybe France or Germany will welcome you with open arms and divert some wealth to you.

I'm not going to go into my personal details, but everything I have, I earned on my own. Not because of mommy and daddy or the US goverment. I put in the time and the effort to get myself where I am. So does everybody else. Quit your bitching.

Militant Bluefish Jihadist

"Our leaders are stupid, they are stupid people," "It's just very, very sad" - Donald Trump 2011

"With all of the hysteria, all of the fear, all of the phony science, could it be that man-made global warming is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people? It sure sounds like it." - JAMES M. INHOFE

"Most meteorological research is funded by the federal government. And boy, if you want to get federal funding, you better not come out and say human-induced global warming is a hoax because you stand the chance of not getting funded." - WILLIAM GRAY

"The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span those hours spent in fishing" - Babylonian proverb