Gee, the house you grew up in sounds like the house I bought 2 years ago! I grew up in a 4 room apartment, while my father worked two jobs to support us. I basically never saw him except on Sunday.

And I am not complaining, I am suggesting ways we can do better.

I am not underpriveleged, nor am I whining. I am advocating for those less fortunate and exploited and disenfranchised by our current system, manipulated by greedy corporate puppets like Bush and Cheney.

Immigrants and their children from the turn of the century to post WWII lived in a completely different world than we live in today. They absolutely DID have union protections, the history of organized labor dates back well beyond the turn of the century and was at its HEIGHT following the Great Depression!

And it was FDR and his "New Deal", wherein Uncle Sam redistributed the wealth accordingly, and provided assistance to the poor, where social security was created, along with vast and sweeping other government assistance programs, not to mention government investing in the repair and overhaul of the environment and the infrastructure, that brought the Great Depression to an end! When did your parents come here, and when were you born? I think perhaps you may want to go back and revisit some of your U.S. History.

Back then they didn't have to complain about the distribution of wealth because the corporate greed and excess that they faced was no where near what is today! Again, I refer you to Kevin Phillips' "The Politics of Rich and Poor" for an enlightening history lesson.

I don't blame the rich for the poor not getting enough. I blame the rich for TAKING more than their fair share!

What you fail to understand is that power and privilege is invisible to those by whom it is enjoyed!

Must be nice to be you!