#397390 - 10/08/0401:04 PM
Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
John from Madison CT
Registered: 06/28/02
Posts: 15925
Loc: Old Saybrook (formerly Madison...
Nu2Salt: I grew up in a 1400 Square foot house in a lower middle class neighborhood of Danbury, CT. I went to a below average public school, and endured Racial Riots that made the National News.
If I sat back and complained, like you seem to think is OK, I never would be in Madison.
Both my parents had the immigrant mentality....... Don't Whine, Work Hard and Get an Education . They both came here with NOTHING yet lived the American dream with two college educated kids, who are doing well.(one who went to Yale (no me)). They worked their tails off, learned English as their primary language, and focused their resources and time on the important elements of life.
This constant whine of the underprivaledged is disgraceful. Why is it that immigrants and their children from the turn of this century to post WW2 did so well? Almost none of them were afforded "Union" protection, or got money from Uncle Sam.
Thank god they Never subscribed to your ranting of wealth distribtion and complaints of not getting enough for doing little.
Please, it's a disgraceful excuse for those who simply don't want to work hard. They blame the "rich" for not getting enough.