#397364 - 10/08/0411:27 AM
Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Don't throw the baby out with the bath water Rich!
Some may abuse their Union protections but I shudder to think where we'd be without them! And I must disagree about individual accomplishments and seniority. Not all contracts and not all employers work that way.
You are taking a very narrow and limited view of what your Union does, why you need them, and how Unions fit into and effect the big picture of labor all around the country, even for non-Union jobs.
Everytime a U.S. company pays 25 cents an hour for labor overseas, we are all degraded and devalued, and our market value suffers.
Everytime a Union wins better wages, benefits, and working conditions, EVERYONE benefits, even those who are not part of a Union. There's alot more to it than protecting a few lazy a$$es!