#397352 - 10/08/0404:10 AM
Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Originally posted by John from Madison CT:
Liberal Quote of the Week: "Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime...So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..-John Kerry 01/23/2003
You just have to wonder what your typical Liberal thinks when they read that quote.
Imagine that he didn't support Gulf War 1!?!?
And....NOW, he claims he would hunt down terrorists. This is some funny $hit. His track record is so horrid, yet we are all supposed to believe his newly found stance from the last debate.
I believe I just addressed this, but again, briefly, Kerry obviously saw that Hussein was a potential threat and had to be dealt with, but disagrees with the manner in which Bush chose to go about doing so. There are many shades of gray between black and white. If Bush had been president during the Cuban missle crisis he would have blown us all to kingdom come!