Spunfisher: So you don't think I have any idea about Communism? Wrong my friend.
You are probably right, my friend. But the fact that I have touched a nerve with both you and Mitch would suggest that I at least know a little.
If I really appeared foolish or insane, surely there'd be nothing to prove by responding to my post, right? I mean, if I had the lone insane idea, wouldn't that be enough to prove that I am wrong?
Holy Cow, you are truely a Communist.
I didn't call Nu2salt a Communist, but rather that his idea that ones money is not theirs is Communist like.
Blatant contadictions? Can this be a "flip-flop" from Mr. John? Tisk tisk, so quick to judge, yet so inept to take that 30,000 foot view.
BOTH of my parents grew up under Communist regimes in Europe. I know more freakin details then your liberally written text book knowledge.
I'm sorry to hear about the past struggles of your family. Growing up having parents with commie ideals must have been tough. I am trully happy you have persevered though. Seriously, that's a great testament to such a fine upbringing in the spirit of the pursuit for "The American Dream".
Point by point your attempt to connect the Bush Gov. to being Communist-like is insane. Simply ridiculous and doesn't deserve an answer.
No, YOU know nothing about Communism.
I know you are but what am I, I know you are but what am I, I know you are but what am I... :p