Originally posted by Mitch P.:
Originally posted by SPUNFISHER:
...your beloved Bush administration has far more in common with the government of the old Soviet Union than any liberal president ever has.
No Mitch. TRUTH!

I grew up in the USSR. I left in 1977 when I was 27. I spent my next 27 years in this country. So, don't take it from JFM who doesn't know squat about Communism. Take it from me.

The first 23 years in this country I lived and breethed FREEDOM.

The last four years has been a NIGTMARE - I am back in the USSR.

Mitch and Henry, you are too young and too protected from the reality of the world to understand it. You are smart, well read, and decent men. But your minds have been poisoned by a bunch of greedy and power hungry bastards. Please, stop taking all the BS from the Bush crowd. Start thinking for yourselves. There is still TIME. If you give Bush four more years he will destroy this country and make you slave labor in the Gulag USA.