Sadly, the domestic issues aren't being address (I suppose if you count Gay Marriage an issue, then one is). Recently, a report came out stating that the US infrastructure needed $187 Billion dollars to revamp itself. No federal money to date has been allocated to improve the current system (meaning you still will have to wait in traffic on I-95 while taking your children to a mold invested school.) Yet at the same time, we are spending $200 Billion in a country that doesn't want us there. Ironic to say the least. Oil is at $52 a barrel. This means your winter heating bill will be out of this world (less money in your pocket.) You say to yourself, "Gee, I'll just install double/triple pane window. Well guess what; half of all building supplies goes to Iraq. That $75 Harvey window now costs $200. Our Trade Deficit is at an all time high. As it happens, more that 60% of the deficit is from imported oil. This is the first administration since the great depression that has lost jobs, not created. With more outsourcing than ever before. (Next time you have a problem with your Dell Computer, try getting someone who speaks the Kings Language. Good luck.) Many of you have brought up the subject of flip flopping on certain issues. What about Bush's promise on cleaner air. Can we say, "Flip Flop". This being due to large corporate interests and promises Bush made to them. What about the little guy, where does he come to play in our national government? These are just some of the main issues I see, never mind Social Security (will it be there when I retire) or the $14 Trillion deficit my son will have to pay.