"How America armed Iraq"

"UNDER the successive presidencies of Ronald Reagan and George Bush, the USA sold nuclear, chemical and biological weapons technology to Saddam Hussein..."

Gee Henry, I thought we only sent them that stuff in the first two years of the Iraq/Iran war? And I thought it was only the INGREDIANTS?

If I give you a package of cocaine, and some ether, and a glass dish, and a torch, and a crack pipe, and a lighter, it's not my fault if you make it into crack and get high, right?! :rolleyes:

And who was it, Baitrunner? who assured me that anyone responsible for engaging in such illegal sales of such material has been or would be prosecuted?

If they had ever questioned Ronny Raygun about this he would have just said "Well... Mommy... I don't recall.... Did we send that box to Saddam... or to the contras?"

And I don't see anyone questioning Big Enus about any of this. Hey, maybe that's why Little Enus didn't want to give the UN weapons inspectors more time?

Maybe he was afraid everyone would find out that daddy was involved in Saddam getting all of that bad stuff in the first place?

Maybe that's why we haven't found anything? Maybe he ordered the CIA and Special Forces to destroy it all?

Maybe he'd rather be seen as an incompetent and a liar than let daddy take a fall?

After all, brutha Jeb an' kissin' kuzin Katherine stol th' last 'lection fer 'im; maybe 'e's a-countin' on nem to come thru agin?

That way it won't matter that we all think he's an incompetent liar or how we vote!

Maybe that's why he looked so p.o.'d during the last debate? He doesn't WANT to have to answer all these stupid questions \:\( , cuz it doesn't matter anyway, the election's in the bag! ;\)

Spin!!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! For finding and posting that!

You da man!