Originally posted by Baitrunner: Nice pipe dream, Dave. Sounds like an urban legend to me. If Uncle Sam wants you he'll get you, weed or no weed in your blood/urine test!
You want to get out of the draft? Then do what I did.
I showed up at the draft board "dressed to the nines"; in a beautiful Christian Dior sequin gown, full cleavage, 5-inch stiletto heels, a Farrah Fawcett wig, lovely, (yet demure), crimson red fingernails, and full make-up. I then proceeded to scream at the draft board, "I don't need no stinkin' basic training! Just give me a rifle, ship me to the "Nam, and I'll kill every one of those friggin' commie VC baztards!"
The board leader took one long, (yet, lingering...hmmmm.....) look at me and said "You're fuggin' CRAZY!" I replied, "Write that down! Write that down!" And that's how I avoided the draft and Mr. Nixon's war!
To this day, I can not pass a shoe store without feeling a certain pang of remorse for that "road not taken". (Although I do have 2 brothers in the Ct. stage company's road tour of Le Cage Aux Folles! They avoided the draft, too!)