#396947 - 09/30/0410:49 PM
Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Originally posted by jimmy: Bush is an idiot. I feel sick just watching him talk. He really was never elected to begin with.
He is also an midget. I cant believe they are making them stand so far apart Keep that in mind when you watch the clown tonight.
Great mess we have in Iraq? What are we there for again. No WMD. No link to 911. Now over 1000 dead. I cant wait to get drafted over there and fight for that
Great environmental policies. He takes donations for the energy lobbyists and then let them continue to dump mercury, lets them keep dams that are killing off the pacific salmon, etc.
What a mistake.
Ill vote for anyone but Bush. Its that simple.
Yeah, and if my son (14 y.o.) or my DAUGHTERS! (22 & 20) or any of my nephews or NIECES! (ages 9-18) get drafted for this GARBAGE in Iraq, I will PERSONALLY smuggle them into Canada! That's right, the Republican bill which is already drafted to begin a military draft in JULY '05! will include women, and there will be no deferments for higher education.
This from a man who used his wealth and privelege to avoid combat service and got a cushy Nat. Guard post, WHICH HE DIDN'T EVEN FULFILL!! NICE!!! Can you say "Double Standard"?
And Jimmy is 100% correct! The man was never elected in the first place. He is a criminal and belongs in jail. Do you know that he is the only President who was ever a convicted felon? How do you spell, D U I, George!?!?! Yet his brother and his cronies eliminated supposed "felons" (many in error!) from the Florida voter roles in an effort to reduce the African American vote, which is 90% Democrat! The whole debacle of the last four years makes me SICK!
And all you Republicans out there wanted Bill Clinton IMPEACHED cuz he lied about gettin a hu**er from Monica?!?! Yet W. lied to the whole world about WMD's and has cost thousands of lives, billions of dollars, and squandered every bit of good will and sympathy the US had following 9/11/01! Just so his cronies and his daddy's good ole boys in the defense and oil industries could turn a profit? And there aint no TRICKLIN' DOWN, either!
Do you know how the Bush's fortune was made? OIL AND DEFENSE! And do you know one of the big factors in that? Dad had a MAJOR influence on foreign policy when he was the director of the CIA and VP. Can you say "conflict of interests"?
The propaganda and disinformation that Bush and the neo-cons have proliferated against Muslims and Arabs, and particularly Iraq, is on par with what Hitler did with the Jews in Nazi Germany. Before everyone ATTACKS me for that, I am NOT saying that he is out to commit genocide, just that he has used PROPAGANDA AND DISINFORMATION to steer his agenda, and gain support for his illegitimate and unjust "war" in Iraq. Can you say "VIETNAM"?
I'm with you, Jimmy, I'd vote for ELMER FREAKIN' FUDD, before I'd vote for this LYING CRIMINAL SOB!