#396935 - 09/30/0409:00 PM
Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Registered: 04/12/02
Posts: 1366
Mummer: You slobbering idiot....WHAT, prey (sic) tell, WOULD be on your list of "all-time greatest wars"?
Kra-Cee, And you have the unmitigated gallish chutzpah to call yourself a "moderator"???? :rolleyes: Why....why....why....I have'nt been so insulted since Mr. Mitchie-poo told me to take a long walk off a short pier! And to post a friggin' fishing report!
An "idiot"? Hmmmmm....perhaps, sometimes, on rare ocassion. OK. I'll yield, grudingly, on this one, but not happily.
"Slobbering"? Not since I was a baby. Well....truth be told......still, not as of late!
Glad to see you're cherishing Mitch's ideal of keeping it civil, and not attacking anyone personally! Gee, perhaps you truly are ready to seek higher political office!
As to your query of "All Time Greatest Wars":
1) The "Zach Vs. Tackleman Conflict" . While little known among the great unwashed, this small war, whilst presently en truce, still simmers beneath the surface of the CTF Republic. The "Great Crappie Spanker" proclaiming the virtues of pursuit of freshwater species, Muskies and Crappie, in particular; while the Great Tackleman expounds the delights to be found in seeking the wily salt-water dwelling fluke, its succulent flesh just begging to be ingested by the true gourmet!
2) The War of 1812 . If it was not for this tiny little bloodfest, we might never have had the pleasure of Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture. Would this bombastic music masterpiece have still sounded as sweet if it was named the 1819 Waltz? Me thinks not!
3)The "Pubic" Wars. (Not to be confused with the "Punic Wars".) This war, which raged from the late 1970's to the mid-1980's, was the battle over wether or not adult film noir "enternainers" should shave their, er... "nether regions" before the filming of their, ahem... "acting" scenes. Thankfully, victory was complete for the "clean" look proponents, and Ron Jeremy and his ilk were for ever banished from the industry, never to be seen again!
4) The War Between the Stats" . This war still rages between pollsters all over this country. "Kerry up by 3", "Bush up by 7", etc., ad nauseum. AKA "The War of Northern Liberal Aggression" by southern pollsters.
5) WWII . Some minor conflagration about defeating Facism, and making the world safe for democracy, or some such nonsense. I'm not sure. I don't pay much attention to the little ones.
"I think, that all right-thinking people, are sick and tired of being told that they are sick and tired of being sick and tired. I, for one, am not. And I'm sick and tired of being told that I am!"