With all due respect, the Democrats do NOT have a canditate in John Kerry. But I guess no one else was available, or willing to run against Bush. I truly beleive that it was only a formality, and they had no choice except having that clown run all over the Country, making all kinds of acusations and statements about Bush. It is a dirty game, very dirty...very unfortunate.

But someone had to do it. None the less, he doesn't stand a chance, no matter what ANY poll may reflect. The unfortunate incidents and all that followed, bought Bush another 4 years, despite the fact that our Armed Forces have suffered many losses. After all, someone had to be held accountable for the horrors of 2001. Any country, or President for that matter, would have retaliated against such attack. Diplomacy wasn't even part of the equation anymore.

What a circus and what a waste of taxpayer money.
Just give Bush a break. He did what he was supposed to do, considering the circumstances. The Presidency is not an easy task. However, it it easy for us to sit here and talk about it.
The daily "talk shows" have become "trash shows" lately. If you listen to Rush or Shawn, you'll understand what I'm talking about.
I am for Bush, but I do not agree with either side trying to bury one another in

We live in a dangerous world, and there's no time for nonsense.