I'm dumping Spicoli.... Anyone else willing to watch my back? \:D

Seriously now....,

The Op/Ed pieces in the Newspapers have been interesting of late.

It's obvious that whoever wins this election, they are stuck with "Problem Iraq", and no one as yet has any clue what to do with it.

Our other worldwide threats make it paramount to me to have elected a person who can deal with International Issues.

President Bush's grasp of general World Geography has impressed me since he acquired our highest office. But, I guess, being pushed into a 4 year crash course on the subject would benifit anyone.

Both magazines "Sports Afield" and "Outdoor Life" have recently published interviews with Bush and Kerry. I hope that many of you have read them in regards to how they reflect on our hunting and fishing rights. Bush, in the 2 interviews, seems to have a hard time remembering what his favorite gun is, but he does have them, and that is good, and a big plus for us here is that Bush is an avid fisherman.

Kerry, while maybe not remembering how to properly handle a gun, has in the past used them, and I think his military service should never be held suspect, but his preference for waffles over pancakes, perhaps, should be.

Kerry, to me, appears stiff. Bush is loose, and cocky. I, for one, would be more apt to vote for the former Governor of Minnesota were he inclined to run. You'd be hard pressed to catch Jesse Ventura in a lie or a waffle.....You see what you get with him, and I've admired his frankness these last years.

Lastly...., If there is any evidence of "chad- lessness" this time around, I would suggest Florida be sceeded from the Union and left to the mercy of all hurricanes.

God Bless America and may Ilian Gonzalus' raft float..... \:D