Hey Guys!

I just thought that since the boating season will be kicking off shortly it would be nice to have a list of members with boats that are willing to take other shorebound members out on the water for some boat fishing....fresh and/or salt.

Boaters please list your boat specs and areas/type of fishing you do.


Don P.
-AVID saltwater fisherman home based at the Mouth of the CT River who grew up fishing the Great lakes freshwater scene. I would like to get back into more freshwater fishing, but my season generally consists of ~95% Saltwater and ~5% Freshwater. I usually fish from 2 of my 5 boats.
-be happy to take any member out on one of my boats
-20' Aquasport Center Console Professional with 175 Mercury outboard
-14' Starcraft Seafarer rowboat with 6, 15, or 20hp outboards.

I generally post MANY open seats aboard my boat. I generally fish 3+ days a week from ~April-Nov.

Hope to fish with MANY of you this season!