I waded the river for what could possibly be the last time this season.
The wind was very strong and tried to keep me off of the water, but I said the hell with the wind and went anyways. I’m glad that I did.
I started out with a top water, and after a few halfhearted swirls, I finally hooked the first smallmouth of the day. Not a big fish, but what it lacked in size it more than made up for with attitude and fighting ability. I took a quick in the water photo just in case it was the last fish of the season.
I kept moving upriver and covered a large area without really much happening, so I decided to switch to a small swimbait instead.
That change in baits was the deal. I ended up catching two more decent sized fish and both of them tried to rip the rod out of my hand! They just slammed it so they were definitely looking to feed, but obviously there were not many fish around the area today.

Hopefully the weather will hold, and I can get back there one more time before winter sets in, but it’s time to do some hunting, so who knows.

It’s been another fun season on the river.

Edited by Tall 1 (10/12/24 11:32 PM)