Originally Posted By: Tackleman
Thanks ecurB... your avatar makes me think you know your dogs!! So far she is picking things up way faster than any other pup I've ever had. And I have had a bunch of pups...

It's gonna be a blast to train her, this is the first time I had a pup while working from home.

No pro , just someone who has an affinity for dogs .
Every new one I meet is subject to being my buddy !
The "mean" ones are a challenge , but as of yet my success ratio is 100% . biggrin

The Labs in my avatar are my buddy's , I've been privledged to know 5-6 generations of them and they've taught me some things .
Presently I'm "dogless" , but I have a standing order for the first pup who's born with any disability that would preclude it's sale .
So far , so good , no pups who "need me" !
Someday maybe , but for now I live vicariously.... biggrin


"Politically correct" was initially coined by Leon Trotsky to refer favorably to those whose views remained in sync with the ever-shifting Bolshevik Party line. This was important, as "not PC" people risked prison or death.