Due to flooding, the event was moved to Haddam Island. We all packed to the max, grabbed everything from a generator to wood, decor, rocks, garbage can, grill, etc and met up at Haddam Meadows...
It ended up being a fairly nice day and allowed us to get set up without the rain...
Sally helped AJ, Paul and I set up the CTF banner...
Katrina helped to twist up the wicks for the tiki torches that were made from Matt's empty Busch cans...
Even though the event was moved to Haddam Island, (an island within close sight of Haddam Meadows-where another one of his most favorite events is held-PIKETOBERFEST!) Matt was so proud that CTF'ers contributed to the re-naming of Titt's Island in Windsor to "Catfish Island". We just had to make a sign for him...
Matt's Catfish swag...
6:00 came quick and we kicked off the event with the Ash Ceremony-notice the "M" that formed from the ashes in the water...
Lines were put out from shore as we prepared food...
Twice baked cheddar bacon potatoes...
Paul and I, making his large mouth bass fillets and my onion rings...
Judy's steak chilli was a hit...
Everything was just yummidy!
Of course, at every event there always seems to be a mis-hap! Glenn got a nice new knife from Andrew's shop, flipped it open and dropped the tip straight down into his foot, missing his tendon by not even a hair! We grabbed some napkins and wadded them up making a pressure bandage secured with duct tape just until I could make our own butterfly's to pull the laceration together...
This reminds me of one of Matt's mis-hap's at our house...
Glenn's foot impalement was fixed up with paper tape from a first aid kit and super glue from a tackle box to create a homemade butterfly to pull it together, then we bandaged it back up...
The injury was awesome, we got to play peek-a-boo with his tendon while irrigating it with water to gross some people out! He was very lucky that he didn't nick or sever a tendon
It was looking good today after his curious wifey Michelle took a peek under the bandage, here's the pic Glenn sent me...
As for fishing... AJ got a jump on the rest of us. He and Paul got to the island to do some major clean up before the rest of us arrived and was all set up with lines in the water from the moment we arrived...
Every fish caught was for Matt this weekend, look at that smile...
And he continued to chase his line throughout the night as we heard it periodically zipping out...
You didn't have to venture off the island for a cat tonight, the island seemed to produce the best fishing. Paul with his 7.9 lb cat...
And David...
(Did I run out of space, LOL??? Must be a limit per post-see next post)