NEW Annual CTF Subscription: $15.75 |
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RENEWAL Annual CTF Subscription: $15.75 |
___________ |
Month-to-Month CTF Subscription: $3.00 |
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Student 16 and under: $7 annual subscription |
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College Student: $10 annual subscription |
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CTF Member Name: ____________________________________
Email: _______________________________________________ |
Address:_____________________________________________ |
City:_________________________________________________ |
State: _______________________________________________ |
Zip: _________________________________________________ |
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Gift Subscriptions
If purchasing a subscription for someone else, please enter their info. below:
CTF Message Board Display Name: ____________________________________
(If currently a member) |
Email: ____________________________________________________________ |
Note: If this person does not have a CTF message board account, please direct him to register for one at the "Register" link at the top of the message board. Having an account is required to access the board.
Student Subscriptions
Proof required for student subscriptions. Please mail a photocopy of a student ID or some other proof that
you or the person you are buying a gift subscription for is a student: - PO Box 3285 - Stamford, CT 06905