The Magic Hours
Posted 9/05/01

By Mitch Passero

When is the best time to fish? For most of us leading busy lives in our traffic-plagued state of Connecticut, the answer is any time we can!

But there's something special about getting on the water in the hours just before sunrise. The wind is calm, the air is still, and the water is often smooth as glass.

When you arrive before the sun even begins to let us know it's out there -- inching ever closer to the tops of the tress -- you'll find few people to share the water with.

Before the end of the 2001 season, make it a point to go fishing as early as you can. Five o'clock a.m. is too late. Try to get on the water and start your day between 3:30 a.m.-4:30 a.m. You won't regret it.

There's something magical about the anticipation of your first bite, while others are still home sleeping.

Good fishing.

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